While local associations are expressing alarm at the situation in the region, the government is showing surprising inaction. Thousands of refugees from the Middle East and Africa are stranded in Calais. 

 Every day, they attempt to cross the Channel at the cost of their lives. After months on the march, fleeing countries where they have nothing left, the refugees have to fight to survive. 

Between dawn raids by the police, the tearing down of tents and repeated violence, hope is hard to sustain.

Misery, racism and violence punctuate their lives. 

Thousands of kilometers crossed to end up in Calais, where some have been stranded for several months. Harassed by the police, the exiles lead their lives with total indifference from the government. 

A semblance of life is built up in the camps, here Souleymane cuts the hair of one of his friends - Calais, 2021.

Assane* and his friend have nothing left and spend their days wandering the dunes - Coquelles, 2021

*First name changed at his request. 


Every day, associations distribute food and the necessities of life. While it is forbidden to help exiles in the Calais area, they all come together in Coquelles, just a few kilometers away - Coquelles, 2021. 


After police seizures, there's nothing left for exiles to live with dignity - Calais, 2021


Calais residents who agreed to talk are unanimous: the management of the social crisis in Calais is disastrous. With an absent mayor and a silent government, it's up to the residents to manage the crisis - Calais, 2021


Because they need to hide from the police, the camps are moving further and further away from the town of Calais - Calais, 2021


During evacuations, the police don't hesitate to use tear gas to disperse the exiles - Calais, 2021


Trucks like this one are used to store the belongings taken from exiles - Calais, 2021

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